*If you use Firefox as a browser you can get the page translated into rough-n-ready English if your Japanese isn't up to scratch.
This agency basically offers two types of ceremony. The Christian variety (the link is a picture with a western priest in the top right) or the one without religious overtones, the link to the right of it. This agency clearly thinks that people do care if their celebration is religious or not.
I was interested in the Christian celebration. I called them and had an interesting chat. I asked them if the priests were Catholic or Protestant. They told me that they are Catholic Priests. There is not so much as a hint on the website that non-catholics would be required to undergo the mandatory 3-5 month preparatory counseling given by the Catholic church.
This gets stranger as it clearly says on their homepage that the ceremony is (effectively) true to Protestant tradition. Also, they boast of their mobile Church set which can be set up in a hall, garden or restaurant. How do these Catholics get around the consecration issue? Please comment if you know.
The author is collecting data about various wedding agencies. The sensitive nature of some of the material (in regard to Japanese law) prevents further posting here until legal advice has been received.
Here is something which can be openly shared:
Watabe are one of the 'market leader' Japanese companies offering Christian-style weddings. From the FAQ's page of Watabe Weddings:
What is the difference between churches and chapels?
"Churches" offer specific religious services to people (including wedding couples) who are usually the believers of the religion that a church represents. Usually "Chapels" are used for wedding ceremonies of couples regardless of their religion.
How did this company derive that definition of the word "Chapel"? This is misinformation at very best. Some might conclude that they are attempting to change the meaning of commonly used English words. Others would suggest that they are deliberately attempting to legitimize their services and distance themselves from the obvious religious issues.
Bearing in mind the opinion that "Japanese people don't care for the substance"; this is very clear evidence that even if they care to ask questions of the industry leaders they may be fed half-truth, mis-information and possibly lies. This is morally unacceptable.
Not only has Christian marriage been mis-represented,and reduced to a fashion accessory; now, the English language is being maligned. Moreover, there is no consistency across the industry. Here is a link to another major player, Bellclassic.
Here you see the careful juxtaposition of different types of wedding celebration. I'm not really sure what the one in the bottom right is but the others are self-explanatory. The Civil Wedding is billed as not having any spiritual significance; separate from Church and Temple. By deduction; the other types do have religious meaning.
Click on the Chapel ceremony wedding bar. Here you see a description of the venue. It is called, wait for it, Cana Gospel Church. It's clear that this company uses the words church and chapel synonymously (just like many westerners do) and they do not ascribe to Watabe's definition.
If a company wants to go out on a limb and start defining it's own terms; it can only legitimately be done when the orthodox understanding of the words are flagged up first.
Here is a website which claims that Wedding Ministry is an 'entertainment job'. This was backed up by a commented made in the NY TImes article which is linked to that page. The lawyer I contacted today's initial reaction was that being a Christian-style wedding pastor is actually defined in Japanese law as a religious activity.
Wikipedia and Billy Smolesworthy
Billy Smolesworthy is the internet username of a man who operates as a Christian-style Wedding Celebrant for TMC in the Tokyo area. He denies that the Christian-style celebrations he conducts are about Jesus and downplays the religious meaning of these events to a great extent.
Wikipedia is a useful source of information. It is an open access source of a wealth of information. There is an entry titled Western Style Weddings in Japan. In that entry we read:
[Western Style Weddings in Japan sic] are devoid of any sanctioned spiritual significance
That is inaccurate to say the least. It is tantamount to saying that the reading of the Bible, singing of hymns and praying in the name of Jesus is devoid of sanctioned spiritual significance. There is a clear agenda in some quarters to de-spiritualize these events without removing the essential religious elements which happen to be regarded as part of the aesthetic. Another point of interest here is that the author of that entry goes by the name of Billy Smolesworthy. This can be verified by clicking on the history tab.
"A Japanese gamer has taken the highly unusual step of ‘marrying’ his videogame sweetheart, in what must have been a very bizarre ceremony recently.
.....during a ceremony overseen by an actual priest and witnessed by dozens of onlookers at a recent technology festival in Tokyo."
Why are there so many inconsistencies, bizarre and unlawful practices in this industry?
Why are people trying to redefine the English language in this way?
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